the crosses are for those who i run off the road for driving the speed limit and cutting me off, going too slow in the fast lane.....the list goes on and on. why are there less accidents on the autobon where there is no speed limit???because people drive better and bitch less than you.
JUST drove up and down Rt. 81 from Pa. to Harrisonburg, then back the next day.. Saw lots of crosses set up for the persons who died, Rt. 78 also. My observation, why the road is so dangerous as are many others - I drove the speed limit and was passed by 99 per cent of everyone on the road... There is the clue. Everyone is in such a hurry, they violate the speed limits constantly.. If your son, daughter, wife, or other loved one, as is mine, lives in Va. and must travel the highways, cut people a break ! Leave a little early, pay attention, don't talk on your cell phone when driving, don' t Ever drive drunk or stoned, don't reach for things way out of reach or apply makeup or text message while driving, don't follow too closely, and most of all, signal, singnal, signal your intentions enough before changing lanes... I noticed that many do not even bother to signal or signal AS they are making the lane change. Keep this all in mind before you leave the house. I think we will see a lot few crosses along the highway, and, maybe you and your loved ones will not be one of those who has a cross put up to remember your life... Please, act and drive in a courteous manner always. Thanks !!